Diplomirani slikar – restaurator

Adresa: 11000 BEOGRAD, Dečanska












Rođena 1976. u Njukaslu (Newcastle), Južnoafrička Republika
Živi i radi u Beogradu
Diplomirala 2004. na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti i dizajna u Beogradu, smer zidno slikarstvo, odsek konzervacija – restauracija
Školovanje nastavlja 2004. kao gostujući student na Umetničkoj akademiji u Diseldorfu, Nemačka (Kunst Akademie, Düsseldorf) do 2006.
Član je ULUPUDS-a od 2005. godine


Born 1976 in Newcastle, the Republic of South Africa
Lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia
Graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts and Design, Belgrade in 2004, Wall Painting Department, Conservation/Restauration Sub-Department
Continued education at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, Germany till 2006 as guest student
She is a member of ULUPUDS (The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia) since 2005

City I, 2004. oil on canvas, 150x120 cm

City II, 2004. oil on canvas, 150x120 cm

City III, 2004. oil on canvas 150x120 cm

2005 aluminum, 71 x 29 x 18 cm


2005 aluminum, 89 x 30 x 5 cm

Project CITY, triptych, 2005 aluminum, from left 51x27x14cm, 71x29x18cm, 89x30x5cm