Painting and Graphics

This area consists of : illustration, caricatures, comic books, applied painting, applied graphics, conservation and restoration. 

Membership Criteria

Candidates have to have had at least three (3) group or one (1) independent exhibition in galleries with an arts council chosen by the art associations.

Illustration: at least two (2) published books (each containing at least 10 illustrations) and ten (10) projects.

Caricature: at least hundred (100) quality works published in public media and twenty (20) projects.

Comic Books: at least ten (10) original works published on a whole page of a magazine and ten (10) projects.

Applied painting: frescoes, casein, oil, acrilic, sgraffito, collage or mosaic, intarsia, frescoes, stained-glass windows, polichromy etc; at least ten (10) completed works and ten (10) drawings or projects.

Conservation and restoration: small format works (icons and paintings), monumental works (wall painting and mosaics), making copies from all fields of visual arts. At least ten (10) expert works and five (5) visual or applied art works.

It is necessary to read the Membership Rulebook.

Section Committee president: Milica Vuković,